December 14, 2023

How Does Vehicle Tracking Work?

Vehicle tracking uses GPS to determine the location of your vehicle by calculating the distance of your current location to 3+ satellites. This is known as trilateration. The SIM card included in the vehicle tracker then allows you to view your location data. This is exactly the same technology as used in in-built car navigation systems.

The difference between a vehicle tracker and a car navigation system is that a car navigation system only provides you with your current location and the driving directions that you need to take, whereas a vehicle tracker allows you to see the live location of your vehicle and records various data, such as driving style, speeding and trips taken.

A vehicle tracker typically uses the same technology as your smartphone to connect to the internet and make calls. This is why we offer our tracker at a low cost subscription each month. 

To find out more about how we can help you, click here! 

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